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Bye-bye dental implants! Dentist grows new teeth in just 9 weeks


Bye-bye dental implants! Dentist grows new teeth in just 9 weeks

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of losing a tooth, you may have considered dental implants in the past. You may also have been surprised to learn how expensive they are and that materials like mercury or silver are often used in the process.

But what would actually happen if our teeth could actually grow back? Fortunately, there’s an incredible new development in oral health that could change the subject entirely.

Growing back your own teeth
Dr. Jeremy Mao and his team at Columbia University have managed to regrow teeth using stem cells as a “scaffold” so that the new tooth can grow over it.

Dr. Mao further explains, “The missing tooth is replaced by stem cells from your body, and the tooth begins to fuse with the surrounding tissue. This speeds up the regeneration process and causes the tooth to grow again in record time. “Essentially, in the near future, this could mean the end of expensive dental practices whose business is replacing damaged or missing teeth.

This would be a welcome change in dental health given the current risks associated with dental implants:

Studies show they can increase the risk of susceptibility to future diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and more.

Changing the game in the dental industry

Currently, dentists are limited to the procedures available today, but Dr. Mao and his team are using the new stem cell research to further develop their findings. This research could eventually be used to treat everything from broken bones to genetic disorders.

Although teeth take 9 weeks to regrow, which is longer than a traditional procedure, it is plausible to assume that people would rather get a new tooth from their own DNA than a foreign substance that could compromise their oral and overall health.

Dr. Mao says the procedure is currently in the research phase and not yet available to the public, but it should become available in the near future. Until then, if you want to avoid conventional treatments that could be harmful, look for a good biologic-working dentist.

Good oral health starts with good overall health. So take good care of your body, and it will serve you well!


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